Monday, 26 October 2009


Here are a couple more of the Monstroville roughs, hope you like them.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Monstroville Roughs

Here is the Monstroville version of the Headless Horseman with alot of tweaks by Jeremiah Alcorn, check out the Monstroville blog for the finished head by Jeremiah.
Here are some characters from horror films.

Here is the Thing with Two Heads.

Here is the rough of the Dock Rat check out the tweaks by Jeremiah over at Monstroville. Hope you like them.

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Marie's Mother

Here is a character design I did for Monstroville of Edward's little buddy Marie's mother with her little pet a coconut crab. I am really happy with the finished design you can see were Jeremiah Alcorn made his tweaks, Von Kreep wanted her to be similar to Marie Antoinette. It was an interesing character to design, hope you like it. Hopefully I will be able to post more roughs soon.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Monstroville Character

Here is a character design I did for Monstroville he is Marie's dad. In my original rough I had a load of sea creatures attached to his back which were taken out they were slightly over the top. Jeremiah made some execellent tweaks to the character and Von Kreep had some great ideas so the character ended up with a steam punk shoulder and a hand that turns into a cannon. Hope you like them.

Friday, 5 June 2009

More Monstroville Clean Ups

Here are some more character clean ups for Monstroville, hopefully I will be able to post some more character roughs soon . Hope you like them.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Monstroville Clean Up

Here is some clean ups of the character designs I did for Monstroville. Hope you like them.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Chainsaw Arm Girl

Hey Guys, here is the Chainsaw Arm Girl rough I did for Monstroville you can see the changes that where made form Jeremiah Alcorn tweaks and Von Kreep notes. Hope you like them.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Monstroville Character Roughs

I was asked to do some character designs for a flash feature film called Monstroville Here are some of the roughs that I drew up for Von Kreep It’s great to help out some extremely talented guys like Von Kreep and Jeremiah Alcorn. Check out the Monstroville blog I have posted more roughs over there and take a look at the incredible art work from some great artist. Hope you like them.

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona Duit / Happy St. Patrick's Day

Saturday, 14 February 2009

The Spirit in the Bottle Character Designs

The Spirit in the Bottle is a fairytale about a Woodsman who saves all his money and puts his son through school, but before his education is finished the money runs out. The son borrows an axe from the neighbours and joins his father to earn more money, while the father is resting the son finds a bottle in the forest. He opened it, and a spirit sprang out and declared she would break his neck. The son said first he had to see that the spirit really came out of the bottle so the spirit went back in to show him, and the son closed the bottle again. The spirit begged him and offered to make him rich. The son thought it was worth a risk and he opened it. The spirit gave him a bandage that would cure all wounds and a stick that would turn iron to silver. He tried the bandage by cutting a tree and using it, and it worked. He turned the axe to silver, and it bent on a tree. He persuaded his father to come home with him, because he did not know the way, and sold the silver for far more money than was needed to repay the neighbour for the axe. He went back to school and became a famous doctor. I wanted the father to be a bit of a bruiser as I would imagine you would want to be tough enough to do the job but I did not want him to look mean. I made the son a falconer to elude to the boy being sent to Saudi Arabia to be educated to be a doctor as surgery was developed to a high degree in the Arab world. I want the spirit to look vicious as she does threatens to snap the boys neck. I hope you like them.

Monday, 2 February 2009

Bearskin Character Designs

Here are some character designs I did for a Grimm brothers fairytale called Bearskin. I thought I would set it in Russia. It is about a soldier who comes home from a war and is homeless and a demon in a coat appears to him and tells him if he does not cut his hair or clip his nails for seven years he would make him a wealthy man the soldier takes the deal and the demon gave him the coat and tells him he would find its pockets full of money and a bearskin, telling him that he had to sleep in it and would be known as Bearskin because of it. He gave most of the money to poor people and they would pray for him, After a few years he overhears an old man telling a story of how the innkeeper is going to throw him in prison so he paid the old mans bill and gave him a purse of gold. The old man offered to let him marry one of his daughters the two older sisters are disgusted by him but the youngest sister agrees and Bearskin gives her half a ring as a promise. After the seven years the man cleans himself up and comes back and the youngest sister does not recognise him so he put the other half of the ring into a wine cup and then she realise who he is. The first character is the demon and then Bearskin next is the soldier cleaned up next is the youngest daughter next is her father next to him is the eldest daughter and last is the middle daughter. I hope you like them.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Water Nixie Character Designs

Here are some character designs that I did for a fairytale called Water Nixie, I wanted to use one of the lesser known fairytales. Its about a sister and brother who fall down a well and a Nixie catches them and to escape the girl threw a brush which became a mountain with thousands of spikes the boy threw a comb behind them which became a mountain with thousands of teeth by the time the Nixie gets through the mountains the children get away. The Nixie is a water spirit from Viking mythology so I tried to make them look Norwegian. I thought I would post the scribbles for the characters, I hope you like them.