Here are some character designs I did for a Grimm brothers fairytale called Bearskin. I thought I would set it in Russia. It is about a soldier who comes home from a war and is homeless and a demon in a coat appears to him and tells him if he does not cut his hair or clip his nails for seven years he would make him a wealthy man the soldier takes the deal and the demon gave him the coat and tells him he would find its pockets full of money and a bearskin, telling him that he had to sleep in it and would be known as Bearskin because of it. He gave most of the money to poor people and they would pray for him, After a few years he overhears an old man telling a story of how the innkeeper is going to throw him in prison so he paid the old mans bill and gave him a purse of gold. The old man offered to let him marry one of his daughters the two older sisters are disgusted by him but the youngest sister agrees and Bearskin gives her half a ring as a promise. After the seven years the man cleans himself up and comes back and the youngest sister does not recognise him so he put the other half of the ring into a wine cup and then she realise who he is. The first character is the demon and then Bearskin next is the soldier cleaned up next is the youngest daughter next is her father next to him is the eldest daughter and last is the middle daughter. I hope you like them.
Fantastic! I love that you're putting so much back story into these lineups. It'll make you a really strong designer.
Glad to see you posting your roughs as well. I'm not against a slick cleanup or anything (as I'm a vector cleanup junkie myself), but your ruffs have a lot more warmth to them.
Keep up the great work, Owen!
Thanks very much Steve, I really appreciate your input it’s a great help , I love vector clean up as well when its done as crisply and appealing as your work, I have always struggled with my clean ups it something I have to practice.
great works
thanks a lot
there are really coool !!!!!
I love them !!
I want more and more and MORE
miam miam
Thanks Hadi for stopping bye and for commenting. Thanks Zaff for the very nice words hopefully I will get more done soon.
ur style is amazing, nuff said. was wondering, what are ur inspirations, what enfluences your drawing style? what enfluences you in general?
Thanks Christopher for the nice words and stopping bye, I not sure what influences my drawing style when I draw really rough it feels more comfortable when I try to draw cleaner I struggle, in general if I see something or someone interesting any where. I try to put that into my drawings there are loads of people who inspire me like Chen Yi Chang, ken Anderson, Glen Keane, Craig McCracken, Steve Lambe, Ben Balistreri, Miah Alcorn, Chris Battle , Matt Jones, Tony Fucile, Bruce Timm , Tom Galvin , Aurore Damant, Mike Mignola, Jorge Gutierrez, Sandra Equihua , Kent Melton, Steven Silver, Bruce Zick ,Andrea Blasich, Edwin Earle, Colin Jack and studios like Mukpuddy , Fatkat and Cartoon Saloon, to name a few. I don’t think any of these artists particularly shows in my designs but they do inspire me to try to get better.
Scary and funny!
that's fantastic!!!
Thanks Vhrsti and Ali for stopping bye and leaving your comments.
Great stuff dude!! Also glad we can offer some inspiration to you!!
Thanks a lot for the comment, you guys do so much excellent and hilarious work its hard not to get inspired .
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