Recently a friend of my living in Bali became a father he named his son Yudistira which comes from a Balinese myth I though I would use this story to design up some characters. I gave the main character Yudistira a companion similar to the sculptures of lions from Bali I wanted him to be able to be carried by Yudistira but also be able to become more ferocious. I used some other creatures from sculptures I found from Bali and I also used komodo dragons technically they are not from Bali although they are from Indonesia so I though I would included them. Hope you like them.
Woooow! You have some amazing art here, man!
Nice character shapes! I like the komodo dragons :)
these are really flipping cool owen!
really good ! I'm lovin' it
These are cool!
Super awesome illustrations! They made me think of the art for Thief and the Cobbler, probably because they're cartoony, but nothing like the generic stuff you typically see. Love the slobbering komodo dragons!
Thanks Damon, Lucas, Elsa, Wayne, Ryan, Alina and Pascal I really appreciate the comments, Hey Pascal I was in awe of Thief and the Cobbler in college the full film is up on youtube I'm going to watch it now thanks.
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